After all the excitement up until then, the hike itself was quite uneventful. Hiking over the sand with our heavy packs was fairly slow going, but we made the Rio Claro just before noon and crossed in ankle-deep water, without any sign of nasty rip currents or man-eating creatures. Although Sirena Station, with its creaky bunk-beds, mouse-infested dorm rooms, and rustic vibe felt a bit like a prison, the surrounding forest and extensive network of hiking trails made it all worthwhile. We spent the next couple days exploring, waking with the first rays of sun (the howler monkeys giving us little choice in the matter) and hitting the trails to have a better shot at spotting creatures.

All our clothes (including those we’ll be wearing for tomorrow’s bus ride to David, Panama) are filthy and rancid, our packs are soaked and molding, and I can hardly stand my own stench (those of who you know me will realize the severity of this statement). Here’s hoping for a speedy trip to a Panamanian laundromat!
Pura Vida!