We are Two Bein' Chili
We are Andrew (a.k.a. "Mandrew") and Chelsea, two Engineers taking an open-ended break from our careers to travel the world in search of meaningful experiences, alternative and practical knowledge, and life-changing inspiration. As a means of sharing our experiences (as well as giving us a project to help keep our busy minds sane), we've created www.twobeinchili.com where we're keeping in touch with family and friends with photos, videos, and stories about our adventures in North, Central, and South America. Once in a while our work even pops up in other places, neat-o! By sharing our experiences we're hoping to inspire others to break free from the daily grind and see the world for themselves, because we strongly believe that travelling is one of the best means of education possible!
After our wedding on June 2013 in Ontario, Canada, we left our careers behind and headed down to Central and South America to spend what would be eleven of the most memorable months of our lives. We're now back in North America and have spent the last while exploring the west coast, potentially looking for a place to "settle down" and start building something.
In our wanderings we're constantly in search of beauty, diversity, culture, and adventure! Our concerns about the current state (and questionable future) of the world constantly cause us to re-evaluate the way we live, and we're constantly on the lookout for ways to help make our lives more environmentally sustainable.
We hope you enjoy what you see and that we can help convince you to come along and see for yourself! The more we see and learn about the world, the more we also learn about ourselves and our own culture. It is time to share!
If you'd like to get in touch with us to share some of your own experiences, or have any comments or advice you'd like to share, please do! Sharing is caring! In the meantime...
Keep bein' chili,
Chelsea & Mandrew