Compression Dry Sack
Check them out on Amazon US or Canada.
Headphone Splitter
Check it out on Amazon US or Canada.
Head Lamp
Check it out on Amazon US or Canada.
Check it out on Amazon US or Canada.
Light socket plug adapter
Check it out on Amazon US or Canada.
International Power Adapters
Check them out on Amazon US or Canada.
USB Wall Charger
Check these out on Amazon US or Canada.
Spare Camera Battery
Universal Sink Plug
Check it out on Amazon US or Canada.
Clothes Line
Portable Sewing Kit
Cable Ties
Disclosure: All of the links to the Amazon website contained above include a tag that identifies to Amazon that you were directed to their site by us, letting us earn a small commission on any purchases you make. Despite this obvious motive, however, I honestly believe that these are some of the best prices you'll find for these items. So, go spend a shit ton of money! =)