We also did a very quick one day jaunt up to Juneau on the Fjord Expedition boat where we saw sea lions, seals, porpoises, hump back whales and eagles. We also stopped at the Mendenhall Glacier where we did a small hike. The next day we took the Malispina ferry to Skagway with the car. We had sun and hot weather the entire time, which is very rare in Southern Alaska. We got a little cloud in the sky on Friday when we drove back to Whitehorse. The drive from Skagway to Whitehorse is the most amazing drive in the world! So glad the Marston's got to do it, and get a small taste of Alaska. Jim said he was very surprised by how lush and hot it was.
Hope you enjoy our pictures! I know we took a lot, but we figured that since we always get questions about what it's like, we figured we would go all out for ya's!